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The Birth of Us

The Birth of Us captures the voices of immigrant parents and their children who faces discrimination, racism, and hardships in The United States. With all the problems they face they still manage to work hard to support and provide for their families. Like a gardener taking care of her garden, she makes sure that they are protected from any storm or flood that comes their way.


Our families await our growth and success. Without them our colors and ambitions would not blossom. Their hands and labor have crafted a path that allows the next generation to flourish. We are their dreams, their vision, and their success. This installation is a tribute and a thank you to the immigrant families in The United States



The Central For Cultural Power

The California Art Council



Electric Forest 




Interactive Visuals

3d Design

Kinetic Installation

Graphic Design

Creative Lead





Click on me to interact !

Throughout this experience, participants can spin the cubes on the pillars, allowing them to create different combinations and patterns. The images show hands supporting the flowers toward the sky. The background displays a futuristic vision of the world we are heading toward. This installation is a reminder to the next generation that we need to know our roots to move forward into the future.

Installation at Shambala Festival

The Birth of Us, was showcased at two of the biggest music festivals in the world Electric Forest & Shambala 

Electric Forest Installation by Daniel Sol Villanueva
Installation at Electric Forest Art-Plugin
Installation at Electric Forest by Daniel Villanueva
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